Counselling FAQs
Below you’ll find answers to some of the more common questions I’ve received about sex and relationship therapy. Read on to learn more about my services and how I work. If you feel like you didn’t find the answer you were looking for, feel free to contact me for more information. I’m always happy to hear from people who are interested in counselling.
What areas of counselling do you provide?
Renee specialises in sex and relationship therapy and provide counselling in the following areas:
Sexual Issues (Lack of sexual enjoyment & intimacy, desire, arousal and orgasmic sexual dysfunctions, sexual pain, performance anxiety, erectile dysfunction, pornography use & more)
Sex therapy and sex education
Relationship issues (single, dating, engaged & married)
Communication, assertiveness & boundaries
Sex counselling/education sessions for engaged and newly married couples
If you are still determining what services you need or if they do not appear to be listed here, please contact Renee to discuss. Where appropriate, she will assist you with a referral recommendation.
Do you provide online telehealth counselling?
Renee is based on Sydney, NSW and provides online video counselling to individuals and couples in Australia only.
Whether you are down south in Tasmania, across the west in Perth, up north in the Northern Territory or on the east coast of Australia, online counselling is available to you. Online video counselling is convenient and easily accessible.
Confidential online consultations are offered through Zoom video software which are simple to use and secure.
Unfortunately, face to face consultations are not available.
What is a sex therapist/sexologist?
A sexologist is a person who has completed professional study at a university level in human sexuality and provides professional practice in sexology through either of these three fields - clinical practice, sexuality education or research.
A sex therapist is the same as a clinical sexologist, where sexology is applied in clinical therapy practice with clients. A sex therapist is a registered counsellor or psychologist.
Are you a Christian counsellor?
I am a professional counsellor and sexologist, and a Christian. In my work, I look through a faith-based lens and integrate it with my evidenced-based therapy and sexual education framework that I have developed through my professional training and education.
I encourage, inspire and support people in integrating their faith and values with their relationships and sexual intimacy.
I do not pray for people in sessions, engage in theological debates, or tell them how they should live according to the bible. Every person is accountable for their life and personal choices.
Do I need a referral?
You don’t need a referral to see Renee as she is not registered with Medicare.
Couples counselling is not covered by Medicare.
What are your therapy hours?
Appointments are available on Wednesdays and Fridays during business hours.
Renee does not provide crisis services or operate an after-hours service. In emergencies only, please contact your local G.P, hospital or ambulance by calling 000 or LifeLine on 13 11 14. Please see website for other useful contacts.
Responses to emails, texts or phone messages will be restricted to Wednesdays to Fridays, during business hours only. In some cases there may be a 48 hour delay in response time.
Are counselling sessions confidential?
Counselling Service
As part of providing a counselling service to you, your counsellor will need to collect and record personal information from you that is relevant to your current situation. This information will be a necessary part of the counselling assessment and treatment that is conducted.
Access to Information
You may access the material recorded in your file upon request, subject to the exceptions in National Privacy Principal 6. Requests for access to information will be responded to within 21 days and a fee is payable for this service.
All personal information gathered by your counsellor during the provision of the counselling service will remain confidential except where:
1. It is subject to subpoena by a court, or
2. Failure to disclose the information would place you or another person at risk, or
3. Your prior approval has been obtained to:
a) Provide a written report to another professional or agency (e.g. a GP or a lawyer),
b) Discuss the material with a non-professional person (e.g. a family member or employer).
4. If disclosure is otherwise required or authorised by law.
Your counsellor may want to discuss aspects of the sessions with a senior colleague for supervision purposes. In this situation, your anonymity would be preserved.
What can I expect from therapy?
Therapists don't have a magic wand to instantly bring a solution to clients' lives. Sometimes therapy is brief and only requires a few sessions, and in other cases, therapy may require ongoing sessions for some months to work through deeper emotional, sexual or relational issues.
What is vital for a person contemplating therapy to understand is to consider if you have the readiness, willingness and capacity to do the work that therapy requires of you whilst being supported by a therapist to address the areas you want to work through to see change and improvements. It will require reflection, courage, and time to give to this area of your relationship and life.
What happens if things come up in therapy that is outside of your scope of practice?
It's common to reach out for therapy support for a particular issue in your life, and during the therapy process, learn that some different areas or issues are also coming up in the therapy. If it's decided that it would be beneficial to work on specific areas or issues, and it is outside of my speciality and scope of practice, I will likely refer you to another professional to assist you further. This is especially important for Clinical Depression, Anxiety and other medical or psychiatric conditions that may require a medical or psychiatric diagnosis and treatment.
What are your Fees & Cancellation Policy?
Individual Counselling Sessions: $170
Couple Counselling Sessions: $220
Couple Pre-marriage Sexual Counselling/ Education Sessions: $200
Appointments are typically 50 minutes long.
The cost of the appointment is payable before the session by electronic transfer or credit.
In order to protect the booking that you make with Renee and the time she takes to consult with you, she requires 24 hrs notice if you need to cancel. If you fail to attend or cancel within 24hrs of your appointment, the full fee will be charged.